Thursday, December 28, 2006

Self Discipline
Self discipline is an attribute which has to be ingrained in the minds of the youth from the formative years. Human beings have acquired predominant animal instincts from the process of evolution. There are many values that one inherits from the family which is the basic unit of society. The family and its values of sharing, love, concern for each other, and so on, must be preserved at all costs. The children of the next generation learn from the family values instilled in them in their adolescent years.
Self discipline is essential for progress in all spheres of human activity and is a measure of our cultural heritage. Indians in general lack self discipline which leads to corruption, inefficient services, poor infra structure, lawlessness, cheating, poor civic sense, and in general flouting of every conceivable rule or law of the land enacted for the society at large. The law makers are themselves the law breakers!
It should be the endeavour of each and everyone to be self disciplined and instill the same in our children and youth within one's sphere of influence.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Basic concepts and guidelines for social work
Basic beliefs: (Respecting, Serving, Striving and Seeking)
1. Respect for the poor and downtrodden.
2. Service to the poor.
3. Striving for excellence.
4. Seek directions of Spiritual Director.

Ten Rules for social Action and Charity Work
01. Commitment and Involvement in the work undertaken for the poor.
02. Share information with all Members.
03. Motivate all partners in the social work program.
04. Communicate everything you possibly can to donors and volunteers.
05. Appreciate everything each one contributes towards rendering help
to the poor.
06. Celebrate your success with all well- wishers and donors.
07. Listen to everyone.
08. Exceed your donors' expectation.
09. Control your expenses better than you manage your household expenses.
10. Swim upstream.

Rule 1
Commitment and involvement means bringing passion to one's
work. Those who have passion, who love their work, would try to do
their best. Humility is an essential ingredient.
Rule 2
Share information with all. Everything has to be an open book.
Keep accounts accurate and all donations fully accounted for at all
times. Maintain detailed expenditure, on daily basis.
Rule 3
Motivate members, volunteers, and donors, for concrete action.
Rule 4
Communicate everything possible to dispel any distrust amongst
all agencies connected with social work for the poor.
Rule 5
Appreciate everything anyone does for the poor. Words of
praise will raise public trust. Selecting and training volunteers
goes a long way to really serve the poor.
Rule 6
Celebrate your success with the poor. Distribute aid items on
need basis to improve quality of life. These acts should be home
Rule 7
Listen to everyone and adopt good ideas to further the aim of
helping the poor. Evolve and execute projects, which gets the poor on
their feet.
Rule 8
Exceed your donors expectations. Always give them more than
they expect. Public judge our actions on ground rather than publicize
what we plan or intend to do.
Rule 9
Control expenses better than ever. Keeping costs down will
give advantage to reach out to more poor. Each Rupee saved is Rupee
earned. This is the best way to respect our donors. Do not collect/
raise funds more than is basically required for the work undertaken.
Do not invest donors' money in banks or stock, as this action will
not be appreciated by them. Donors' money is intended only for
social/ charitable work.
Rule 10
Swim upstream. Ignore conventional wisdom. If everybody else
is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find better results
by going exactly in the opposite direction. But be prepared for a lot
of people to wave you down and tell you are headed the wrong way.
Volunteer work is very demanding. Get the volunteers to man the fort.
Encourage and let the movement grow.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Shall we ever improve?
We may never reach the pinnacles of human behaviour found elsewhere, but we can at least think of taking small steps in that direction. The two issues that stare at us are "Muddled Generation" and "The lack of role models". There are lot of models but no role models. The character and general behaviour of Indians have a lot to do with the above issues. While the country is booming in all sectors of the economy, we are standstill in out basic behaviour. One sees a blatant lack of courtesy and discipline in all spheres of life. Crude behaviour at the worst. It is not only inside India but even Indian community residing in other Nations whine and complain excessively about their experiences in India whenever they set foot in their Motherland- and that too about custom authorities, the airport, the toilets, the roads, streets and so on and so forth. We Indians revel in breaking every conceivable laid down rules and get very caustic and very frustrated when prevented from doing so. Bring in any rule and within a very short time ways would have been found to circumvent it. The same attitude can be seen all around us, whether it is driving, one way streets, red signals, railway gates, paying taxes or appearing in courts. Another great trait is that of the inability of an Indian to ever stand in a queue and that too in a line perpendicular to the counter concerned. You will always find them spread along the counter like multi- headed arrow, trying to have their jobs done in little time as possible and at the same time prying into what the person at the counter is doing. Another inherent quality of an Indian is to cheat. One gets cheated most of the time by traders, conman, pickpockets, workers, robbers, and so on. One is resigned to this, as an everyday norm. Even the so called educated persons who form part of an organisation will flout all the rules. Some even play God and try to cheat God.
Even in religious matters they pay, pray and obey with a view to cheat the system. As an example they would pay a subscription of Rs 0.50 per month and would want all the benefits that can be freely derived from it. Many Indians are keen to do charity works and join societies but in the final draw, the noble cause would have taken a nose dive and then they have redrawn their own agenda of spinning money in various banks. The charity work forgotten in totality. This happens all the time throughout the length and breadth of our great country!
When will we improve? Will we ever improve? Though I am an eternal optimist, this particular question will have all of us stumped!
Credit: Partly modified article from "The Hindu"
Christmas 2006
The spirit of the season is love and sharing. It is this joy which cherishes and embellishes our lives. Each human being is precious and very much different. Many live in poverty and hunger. The marginalised are the most vulnerable. What they require to live as a human being, should be our concern. The poor require a shelter, a livelihood with skills to work and earn, food for the family and access to medical aid and assistance. Let us discern what we can do in little matters that can bring happiness to at least one such family in our neighbourhood.
Merry Christmas.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Ancestry and Roots
I have attempted to trace my roots and you will find the details collected in my webpage
Here are some useful tips and information which will motivate each one of you to trace your own roots. Once you begin you will be creating a treasure house of family history for future generations and posterity. Imagine the fun when you involve your children and grand children!
Genealogy is the study and tracing of family pedigrees. This involves collecting the names of relatives, both living and deceased, and establishing the relationships between them based on primary, secondary or circumstantial evidence or documentation, thus building up a cohesive family tree. Genealogy is sometimes also referred to as family history, although these terms may be used distinctly: the former being the basic study of who is related to whom; the latter involving more "fleshing out" of the life and family histories of the individuals involved.
Genealogists collect oral histories and preserve family stories to discover ancestors and living relatives. Genealogists also attempt to understand not just where and when people lived but also their lifestyle, biography, and motivations. This often requires knowledge of antique law, old political boundaries, immigration trends, and historical social conditions.Genealogists and family historians often join a Family History Society where novices can learn from more experienced researchers, and everyone benefits from shared knowledge. Even an unsuccessful search for ancestors leads to a better understanding of history. The search for living relatives often leads to family reunions, both of distant cousins and of disrupted families. Genealogists sometimes help reunite families separated by war, immigration, foster homes and adoption. The genealogist can help keep family traditions alive or reveal family secrets.
Records useful for genealogical research
Records of persons who were neither royalty nor nobility began to be taken by governments in order to keep track of their citizens (In India this started to take place in the 16th century). As more of the population began to be recorded, there were sufficient records to follow a family using the paper trail they left behind. As each person lived his or her life, major events were usually documented with a license, permit, land ownership or report which was stored at a local, regional or national office or archive. Genealogists locate these records, wherever they are stored, and extract information to discover family relationships and recreate timelines of persons lives.Records that are used in genealogy research include:
Vital records preserved in the family including photographs
Birth records
Death records
Marriage and divorce records
Adoption records
Baptism or christening records
Biographies and biographical profiles
Cemetery records and tombstones
Census records
City directories and telephone directories
Coroner's reports
Diaries, personal letters and family Bibles
Emigration, immigration and naturalization records
Land and homestead records, deeds
Medical records Military and conscription records
Newspaper columns
Occupational records
Oral history
School and alumni association records
Ship passenger lists
Tax records
Voter and property registration records
Wills and probate records
As a rule, nearly always start with the present and work backward in time rather than forward. Written records have the property of hindsight in that they only tell where a person might have lived and who their parents are. Two exceptions are when a genealogist might interview living relatives as to who and where their children and grandchildren are, or tries to locate long-lost relatives who may have already traced their families backward to an ancestor they have in common.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Family Values and bringing up Children
A value is a belief or attitude that you hold close; something that you want to keep as a standard for judging yourself and the rest of the world. It is the basis for your sense of right and wrong, good or bad. It is our values that drive us to act in a certain manner, to lead a certain lifestyle and to shun certain habits. If you truly believe that consuming alcohol is not a good thing, you will not drink. And if you do, you will probably feel guilty and regret it later. If you meet others who do not believe in the same things as you do, you might be uncomfortable with them. Or at least, you might not approve of them and be afraid that they do not approve of you. Each of us has a unique value system actually, almost as unique as our fingerprints. A value system is not just something that is passed down from parents or learnt through behavior at home or in schools. It is fine-tuned and developed through personal experiences and interaction, in combination with the values that our immediate society lends to us. Yes, value systems can differ starkly even within the same family or group of friends. For instance, parents may think it is wrong to marry out of own caste or community, while children may not believe in marriage at all. Similarly, one may not like lying to parents but his best friend may think it is just another way of making life easier. Therefore, honesty is a value for you. Values can be related to health, cultural, spiritual, religion, preservation of nature, integrity, loyalty, wealth, security, creativity, independence, peace, fame, personal growth and education. There are many values and any combination of these separate values will form a person’s total value system. To figure out yours, you must do a lot of soul-searching, ask yourself questions about what really matters to you and what you deeply believe in, or what are the issues that you are not willing to compromise on, and that will be your unique set of values. The value system the parents adopt, which in turn has been influenced by their parents, is to a large extent the Family Values.
One of the many compliments that elders bestow upon children is: What a well-brought up boy or girl! We also hear praises heaped upon a child or youngster in the name of good breeding. On the other hand, when a child misbehaves, the first people to get blamed are the parents. After all, they are the ones responsible for the behavior of a child until he or she is old enough to assume individual responsibility. Actually, even after growing up, it is the parents who get blamed for a child's behavior, because one cannot build a great house if the foundations are not strong and deep.A well-brought up person is instantly recognized as one. Such a person is usually courteous, calm, confident and willing to help. Often, he or she will also be talented and eager to listen to others.Good upbringing is all about training a child to be a good citizen and an asset to society. To this end, a parent has to think of the ideal citizen and try to encourage, and NOT force, the child to become to develop the ideal traits. We all expect other people in society to be honest, forthright, incorruptible, hard working, learned, socially conscious, environmentally sensitive, generous, polite, broad-minded, non-violent and tolerant. This is feasible only if our own children are brought up to acquire all these poitive attributes. Our children will submit to this sort of upbringing only when parents set a example and aspire to be the ideal. Therefore, it is not fair to expect a governess, a servant, a teacher or even a finishing school to convert your child into a magically perfect creature. When you bring a child into the world and give him or her your name, you are, forever, linked to his fate and responsible for his values and his reputation.One golden rule: while teaching a child anything, do not insult him or her. No reprimands in public or in the presence of friends. Children are entitled to their dignity too. If a mistake has been made, wait until you are alone with the child and then gently correct him or her.One is compelled to give advice and counsel, but most of all, one has to show a child that it is possible to live with dignity and treat others with respect and kindness. Parents must teach them the difference between hoarding money and saving up for a rainy day. Must demonstrate that it is much more fun to share joys and toys, by sharing what you treasure. One must train a child to show respect to elders by treating their own elders with the utmost respect. Parents can help a child imbibe the value of education by continuing their own learning process, or taking up some course of study. Building up ‘good qualities’ is never easy. But the best, and perhaps the only, way to teach a child anything is to set a personal example.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Power and Leadership
Power and Leadership if viewed from a Military perspective then, both are imperative for any successful operation. It would be a tragedy if power is misplaced or misused by a Military Commander; when commanding troops his error of judgement has to be extremely low as lives are at stake. Yes decisions sometimes are ruthless and most of the time insensitive to soldiers interests or sensibilities, that is precisely the reason that warfare is a dangerous game! However patriotism, national pride, religious fervor, cultural and tradition factors come to significant play as motivating factors for soldiers to perform their assigned tasks even until death.
Yes in the normal circumstances there is a contradiction: Absolute power corrupts absolutely and magnified a hundred fold with money and muscle power. This is exactly the picture you get today of Political Leadership in most of the countries struggling to get their people off poverty and illiteracy.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Secrets to success
Schedule your work.
Adhere to time schedules.
Be punctual, be 5 minutes early for an appointment, never late.
Task: Questions: What? When? Where? why? How?
Information: Slot as: Must Know, Should know, could know, may know, rest thrash it.
Have dreams and goals and work persistently.
Never stop learning.
Be innovative.
Never be predictable.
Focus on time and money.
Be honest, dependable and a fervent believer.
Communicate effectively.
Be analytical and critical.
Think positively.
Have courage of conviction.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Caution in taking advice
Advice from the bible (Sirach 37.7-15) has always caught my attention because they inculcate some essential leadership qualities and traits for every individual to develop.
" Anyone can give advice, but some people do so only in their own interest. Be careful when somebody offers you advice. Find out first what his interest in the matter is, because you can be sure that he is thinking primarily of himself. Why should he come out on top instead of you? He will assure you that things look good, and then stand back to watch what happens to you.
Do not give advice to anyone who is jealous of you.
Do not ask advice from a man or woman about the rival of theirs.
Do not ask advice from anyone who does not trust you.
Do not ask advice from a coward about war.
Do not ask advice from a merchant or trader about a bargain.
Do not ask advice from a buyer about selling.
Do not ask advice from a stingy person about gratitude.
Do not ask advice from a cruel person about kindness.
Do not ask advice from a lazy person about work.
Do not ask advice from casual worker or labourer about finishing a job.
Do not ask advice from lazy person about a difficult task.
Pay no heed or attention to any advice they may give. Instead, rely on someone who is religious and known to keep the Lord's commands, someone who is sympathetic with you, who will not see you fail, and trust your own judgement; no one's advice is more reliable. Sometimes your own intuition can tell more than seven watchman on high tower. Above all, pray to the Most High that he will show you the right thing to do."
Mother's Day
Mothers make the home. No one can imagine a home without her presence. Yes ,this is the Day to honour her, give her tribute, and thank her profusely. She is a life giver, a reminder of our union and communion with God.
Life is full of contradictions: Man the breadwinner and woman the home maker. Materialism spurred up young women to work and increase the family income. The traditional role of being at home to raise kids and house- keeping changed, blending family and work. The trend is now blowing a full circle to traditional roles. Women now have challenging opportunities to compete with men staying right at home. Yes the internet is changing the whole concept of work. More women today prefer to stay at home with kids. The present generation of women, I think, do not view the difficulties of blending work and raising families as a collective social problem. They have the option of working right from their homes which gives them great independence, flexibility, and added income. They are the new Mompreuners!
Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Tamilnadu State Election Outcome: May 2006
This leads me to believe that self -governance is down right fraud. The royal families of yester years and the foreign rule had a slot of better governing principles! Yes, the family continuum is daunting and devastating. Indian politics is basically holding to or clinging on to the mantle of power by hook or crook. The redeeming factor is that: India today has the finest Prime Minister and the best President with impeccable track record. I am sure their personal example will turn a new trend and have a positive dent in the progress of our nation. Majority of the so called native politicians, who head the States as Chief Ministers are basically self- centred; taking the vast majority of poor people for a ride; and in the political process and race enhance the number of crooks, con men, and frauds, who in the garb of administrators rule the State with impunity, fine tuning corrupt practices in and at every stage of the administration. The IAS and IFS who rule the roost are not committed to the cause of governance, niether in leadership nor responsibility. They, however, tend to flow in the least path of resistance and take refuge in the bureaucratic mangle and tangle of laws written by the British rulers,( which continues to be in vogue for almost 3 centuries) with the sole objective of amassing wealth for their siblings, and family members through benami transactions. We indeed are truly in a mess; but as all things come to an end let us hope that this too will pass at some point of time in the future!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Few words that set your thought process rolling!
harmony grows in unity
pride in vanity
formless form is undefinable
goal undirected is unattainable
life's journey is not predictable
compressed thoughts tend to explode
no one is poor but for the poverty of the mind
resources are in abundance if you know where to tap them
simple ideas lead to solve complex issues
hurting is easier than healing
Think big and remain focussed
Infinite opportunites fleet by, few are exploited
Fully charge your emotions to foster lasting relationships
Nurture spirituality to deflate stress
Embrace imperfection for satisfaction. Perfection is for the idealist
Loneliness shuts you in a tunnel of darkness, run towards daylight
The path of least resistance is the surest way to failures
Winners score losers give excuses
Set a norm, a precedent, or an act each day that captivates
Embed creative talents on footprints that others can tread
Everyone is a valuable resource, examine how to it can be used